Going from zero to parallel skiing is the goal for beginner skiers which normally takes learners between 2 days to 2 weeks. Understanding THE FIRST GOLDEN RULE is the most important thing to learn in order achieve parallel skiing.



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INTERMEDIATE SKIERS - if you can master the techniques outlined in the Parallel Turns Tutorial, the next one guides you through the ways you can break free of the intermediate plateau and become advanced. Good luck!


Opt in for free tutorial on how to break out of the Intermediate Plateau

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Want to make quicker turns and become more agile? Learn the key posture change which unlocks awesome short turns in this tutorial explaining rotational separation. 


Opt in for FREE TUTORIAL on how to Ski Steeper Slopes

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Learn online and make the most of your time on snow.

Everything you need to know to progress from beginner to intermediate to advanced skiing.

Condensed into an online course of neat tutorial videos


Christian Chuang, April 2024

" I greatly benefited and improved through your videos and tips!"

Olga, April 2024

" An understandable course if you want to improve your skiing skills and get to the next level!"

Philip Haggar, April 2024

" Excellent series of videos with some key things to remember on the slopes "

Ian Pattie, April 2024

" Very informative videos that concentrate on the key skills that will help you to improve your skiing "


  1. The First Golden Rule of skiing technique
  2. The Second Golden Rule of skiing technique
  3. How to stay safe in ski resorts
  4. Equipment & packing for skiing
  5. Fitness for skiing: beginner to intermediate
  6. Fitness for skiing: Intermediate to advanced
  7. Flexibility routine for skiing
  8. Day One - What to expect and what to learn from your first day skiing
  9. The two most common mistakes to avoid (coming soon)
  10. From Snow Plough to Parallel skiing - Four solutions to the common hurdles
  11. 5 skills for beginners to learn en route to intermediate
  12. Parallel Skiing 101 (coming soon)
  13. Master your parallel turns
  14. How to break out of the intermediate plateau
  15. How to ski steeper slopes
  16. How to ski on ice & firm snow
  17. How to ski in slushy conditions (coming soon)
  18. 10 drills to practise to go from intermediate to advanced (coming soon)
  19. How to ski on crowded slopes (coming soon)
  20. Quick Turns
  21. Posture & Style (coming soon)
  22. How to ski Moguls
  23. How to ski Off-Piste & variable snow
  24. Introduction to mountain safety and avalanche awareness
  25. How to understand avalanche terrain.

Leo Suarez, Dec 2024

" Your course is the best George!!! Congratulations! It is so good to have all the information in one place without contradictory guidelines. Very reasonably priced, full of great information and well structured. Looking forward to be practising all we have learned with our two kids over the next two weeks in the Alps. "

Roberto, January 2024

" Hello George in the past three years I have seen plenty of skiing tutorials and tips then couple of weeks ago by pure coincidence I landed on one of yours. Your ones are amazing and are a perfect match with how I think about a tutorial like these so thank you for your tutorials, great production for each one, right length, consistent and EFFECTIVE SO MUCH!!! Thank you, thank you and again thank you "

March 2024 - @Na-Vse-Ruki-Master

" I've found that the advice about keeping shoulder parallel to slope EXTREMELY HELPFUL. Every single advice from this guy is easy to understand and follow, and it makes an enormous difference. I can honestly say that because of this channel my skiing technique improved greatly."

SILLY SUMMER PRICE 50% OFF - only during the northern summer


£99 £49

What you get:

  • Learn skiing from beginner to black runs
  • Instant access to all tutorial videos - organised in sequence. With love from George
  • Watch as many times as you like for two winter seasons.
  • 30 day Satisfaction Guarantee or your money back


€135 €68

For residents of the EU only

  • Learn skiing from beginner to black runs
  • Instant access to all tutorial videos - organised in sequence. With love from George
  • Watch as many times as you like for two winter seasons.
  • 30 day Satisfaction Guarantee or your money back

Phil Aird-Mash, March  2024

" Straight forward, simple and clear instruction that was easy to translate into practice on the slopes. Very accessible and benefited others in the Group."

Philip Haggar, April 2024

" Excellent series of videos with some key things to remember on the slopes "


Michelle Challis Jones, April 2024

" Fab, I watch the videos regularly especially before a ski trip to give myself confidence ready to ski"


Tonci - April 2024

" George's tutorials were (are/will be) a great asset and resource for a beginner like me to progress my skiing on my own. I was able to take my skiing from wedge turns (after initial few days with an instructor) to making mostly successful parallel turns on my own in a few 2-day ski trips. Would recommend."

Kevin Fridianto, April 2024

" I signed up for George's course during my first season of skiing earlier this year. I love the video courses because it gives practical advice demonstrated in a clear, concise manner, and I regularly review the materials every now and then, especially before hitting the slopes. While it cannot replace being actually on the slopes to master the techniques, the course provides useful reminders about what to do."